Sunday, July 22, 2018

Saturday, July 21, 2018

7.21 Heat Exhaustion

I think that after that 45 minute wait for the bus yesterday, I had a bit of heat exhaustion. So today we took it easy (4 hour nap this afternoon!), and didn't go out until evening. It's only 82* (at 9:25 pm) now, and there's a bit of a breeze, so a pleasant evening.

Here's what we saw on our passegiata (evening stroll):

7.20 The Catacombs and Indian food

Today we visited a catacomb containing the oldest known portrayal of Mary and baby Jesus.

For the story of our two hour ordeal getting there, pix, and a video of Italian traffic, go to:

Friday, July 20, 2018

7.19 Come take a walk with us in Rome...

Traveling around Rome is pretty intimidating for the uninitiated (us!), but today we made it to the Trevi Fountain and the Wax Museum and back.

Read about our adventures and see pix here:

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Doors, Knockers, and Windows

Don't we always wonder what's happening behind closed doors? How are THEY living? What are the secrets in back of the windows and doors that let in some things, but guard those within against other things? All those people there... do they feel the same ways we do? And how do we get through the doors that divide us? 

Here is an album with which to ponder...

Monday, July 16, 2018


We have been having a lovely low-key time here in Salerno. I'm thrilled to FINALLY have some time to organize pictures so that I can blog.

We are in a roomy, light-filled, comfortable apartment east of the historical city center, very near the sea. It's in an average neighborhood, so we are getting much more of an idea what life is like here than in the touristy areas we have visited earlier. It's a little seedy and run-down looking outside, but has ordinary people walking through the neighborhood (though there WAS that storefront with some kind of card game going on; an older woman seemed to be guarding the men playing, and when Katie peeked in, she was told in no uncertain terms that no women were allowed!).

Katie was tickled that twice she was asked questions about something in the supermarket. Several times people have struck up (or tried to!) conversations with us. Google translation is a wonderful app! You can have a conversation by pushing buttons back and forth; you can hold up your camera to a sign and magically the words on the signs appear changed to English! The translations are reinforcing and helping recall what I've learned. (I was a bit afraid I would get Pam and Katie scalped!)

So here's a link to my album #LivingLikeAnItalian:

Friday, July 6, 2018

7.6 Friday Galleria dell'Academia, Pink Parade, Opening Ceremonies

This was a big day!  Michelangelo's David, crossing the Ponte Vecchio with the Pink Parade, interacting with teams from 20 countries and many cities across the world, great Italian food--it was an amazing and unforgettable set of experiences!

For pix and videos, see: